Quick and professional repair of floor surfaces

The real damage, pattern, the load-bearing capacity and the "quality" of an old substrate, such as concrete, screed or mastic asphalt, often requires a special solution when repairing with liquid plastics. As a rule, the substrate is checked for voids beforehand by tapping. After professional pre-treatment by shot-blasting, the damage (e.g. cracks) only becomes clearly visible. After the necessary measurements of pull off strength and residual moisture, the necessary measures can be determined. For this project, total renovation (removal of the entire substructure) was out of the question for time reasons, so that after consultation between the applicator, ABP and the investor, a project-specific special system was developed for the repair.

For this demanding project, almost all known measures of coating technology were carried out. In view of the voids and cracks, it was absolutely necessary to professionally anchor the individual voids using special dowelling and a suitable epoxy resin before starting the actual coating work in order to ensure a shear-resistant substructure. Following this step, all cracks were filled and levelled. Due to the poor condition of the substrate, a stable fabric was embedded over the entire surface for safety reasons, in order to achieve a load-bearing surface for the further coating work. This helps to counteract cracks at a later stage.

After the key coat had cured, the prepared floor surfaces were lightly sanded with a diamond disc and thoroughly cleaned. Then the self-levelling coating was applied in the appropriate layer thickness and in the specified colour shades. Suitable PVA colour flakes were blown into the still fresh coating to give the surface the desired appearance and a slight anti-slip effect. It should be noted that the entire coating measure was carried out in a single weekend and to the complete satisfaction of the client. Due to the flawless and timely execution, further partial areas have already been successfully renovated with the same coating system.

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